Friday, January 30, 2009

Octuplets Mom Has 6 Other Kids

Apparently the CA woman who recently gave birth to OCTUPLETS already has 6 kids.

She also lives with her parents in a small house.

The "father" of the children, at least the most recent 8, is apparently not in the country.

Of course, she took fertility drugs had 8 embryos implanted - which often leads to twins/triplets/etc.

I've heard reports in the media that her parents had to file for bankruptcy recently.

The babies were born several weeks premature, and are all around 2-3 pounds each.

Who do you think will pay for the extended stay and special care these children will receive in the hospital. Hmmm... I wonder...


She's apparently been obsessed with having children for a long time, so much that her mother believes she's got a psychological disorder of some sort:

Why is it that virtually nowhere in the media is anyone reporting what an irresponsible parasite this woman is?

I just heard a report on NBC that said:
- Implanting eight embryos is NOT a normal medical practice. Typically no more than one or two are implanted. How this woman got a doctor to implant EIGHT is beyond me.
- "Complicated Births" can cost as much as $400,000 per child. That puts this idiot's bill at well over 3 MILLION DOLLARS. WHO DO YOU THINK IS PAYING FOR IT?

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