Saturday, January 3, 2009

Idiot Sighting

I went to the grocery store tonight, and saw a woman walking through the grocery store. She was probably in her early 20's. She was talking loudly on her cell phone, and of course oblivious to anyone around her. Of course this happens every day. It's always annoying, but in this case it really irritated me. Why?

1. The conversation was clearly of little importance or substance.
2. A stream of f-bombs was emitted from this idiot's mouth.
3. She was pushing a baby stroller.

I was tempted to say something, but let my better angels win this time.

I curse sometimes; perhaps too much. It's never in public, and never around children.

Morons like this may be common, but the triple-threat combo performed by this idiot makes her extra special.

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