Saturday, October 31, 2009

I bought a new convertible notebook

I've been testing Windows 7 for a few months, but I installed it on an old machine, and that version is set to expire soon. I know I've got to get a lot more comfortable with Windows 7, and I don't want to mess with my primary work machine, which is Vista x64. I've also been eager to buy a convertible notebook. It's not that I really need another one - I already have several, but I guess call it a case of "gadget lust." So, to kill two birds with one stone, I went out and bought a new HP TouchSmart tx2-1375dx. It's got Windows 7 Professional x64, 4GB RAM, a 320GB Hard Disk, and a 2.2GHZ AMD Turion X2 with virtualization support. So far, I love it. Gadget porn to follow:


tx2-1375dx - front tx2-1375dx - left tx2-1375dx - tilt tx2-1375dx - tablet

By the way, I posted this using Windows Live Writer.  Kinda cool.  It seems great for posting with greater control over the layout and content.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

24: Day 8 Teaser Trailer

I love this show, but the new teaser for Season 8 is making me think they've kinda "jumped the shark"...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Obama money...

The video below has nothing to do with Rush Limbaugh, it’s just that he re-played the audio from a radio “man on the street” report on his show.  It needs no explanation.

Of course, this reminds me of this...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Where The Wild Things Are

When I heard it was in production over a year ago, I got excited about this movie, waiting for it to come out, watching all the trailers, etc. I even bought the book I remembered from childhood, since the copy from back then is not around.

I didn't remember how short the book is - it's actually only around 10 sentences total. When my new copy of the book arrived, I wondered how Spike Jonze would "stretch" this very short story to a feature-length film.

Obviously, liberties were taken with the story - like the fact that in the movie, Max's adventure doesn't occur within the physical confines of his room (and imagination). Additionally, the "wild things" Max conjures up are given names and personalities - sometimes confusingly. Most notable with regard to that confusion is the "Carol" character - a typically female name, but the character was voiced brilliantly by James Gandolfini, and after a few minutes I didn't care about the gender/name conflict. Jim Henson Productions (of Muppets parentage) created "monsters" that were emotive, lifelike and surprisingly relateable. Many of the emotions Carol expresses (sometimes destructively) are clearly those felt by Max himself. By putting them upon Carol, it gave him an outlet to consider and deal with them.

I've read some negative reviews online, and many of them freely admit that they hadn't even looked at the book upon which the film is based. Others brought their children, sometimes very young children. This is not a film for children - especially younger than 10 years old or so. Some sequences may be frightening for younger viewers, and the pace is likely to test their attention span. Also, the allegory will be lost on of most children.

This film centers around (and is based upon) the vivid imagination of a boy (perhaps 8 or so) with some emotional issues, an absentee father, and other feelings that he expresses by "acting out" - tormenting the family dog, yelling at (and biting - !) his mother, etc. From that perspective, the film was a beautiful and compelling fairytale that expands upon the universe Sendak created 26 years ago. The visuals are unique and refreshing, and the soundtrack almost sounds like it was created and performed by a child - with pitch-perfect results. This is a film that needs to be seen in a theater or Blu-Ray for its full effect to be properly appreciated.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Old Student Video

I did a video for a class (Video Production) in 1990. I've had the master tape sitting in a box for years, and finally decided to digitize it. Here it is...

(there's about 15seconds of black at the beginning...)

Buster Hymen from badtzmartin on Vimeo.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saw this at the grocery store

Saw this magazine at the checkout line. It's hard to see, even if you click to see it larger. The pink burst at upper-right says "Bad Girl Issue - for sexy bitches only"

I don't think they should print "bitches" on the cover (not Kim, the pink burst at right), since many moms bring their kids with them shopping.

-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, October 12, 2009

Horn broken, watch for finger

My horn died. :(

Of course, the dealer doesn't have the replacement part in stock, so I'll have to come back later in the week.

Looking at that bumper makes me sad...

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

SNL on Obama

Hollywood Supporting a Pedophile?

It looks like hundreds of "big names" in Hollywood have signed a petition in support of Roman Polanski, who pled guilty to drugging and sodomizing a 13-year old girl in 1977. He was 44-years old at that time.

Some of the people who've signed it:
- Martin Scorsese
- Woody Allen (no surprise there)
- Monica Bellucci
- Pedro Almodovar
- Tilda Swinton
- David Lynch
- Terry Gilliam
- Fanny Ardant
- John Landis
- Mike Nichols
- Salman Rushdie
- Steven Soderbergh
- Diane von Furstenberg
- and what appears to be the majority of the entertainment industry in France.

View the entire list here:

In case 32 years have made the facts fade in their memory, maybe they should read these excerpted transcripts from the grand jury testimony: has posted more of the transcript here:

It's amazing how they're acting as if he's just a poor misunderstood victim who deserves their support. He pled guilty. He expected to get probation, but when he learned the judge was likely to "throw the book at him", he fled from justice.

For over 30 years, he's avoided prison. Most people wouldn't be able to do that. His wealth and lack of morals protected him from the fate he earned. The people who've signed this petition should be ashamed.