Saturday, January 8, 2011

CES 2011 - AT&T Failed

AT&T had ZERO presence at the 2011 CES.

Verizon had a GINORMOUS booth, with lots of devices to touch and play with. 
Sprint had at least two, also with gadgets, including one outdoors with a DJ, 10 PlayStation 3's and freebies.

Also, my iPhone 4 had constant problems with data around the LV Convention Center during the show.  Likely a problem with network congestion.  Even if they didn't want to do a booth, they could have rolled up at least one of those mobile cell stations.

So me (and likely others) were using their iPhones, and getting poor data performance from AT&T.  We're being courted by Verizon & Sprint, who have some admittedly nice phones.  And where is AT&T?  Nowhere.

AT&T - you failed You should have had a booth at CES, and you should have done something to improve network performance around what is probably the biggest technology trade show in the United States, if not the world.

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