Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Nuance Dragon Dictation for the iPhone

Nuance, makers of "Dragon Naturally Speaking", produce an app for the iPhone called "Nuance Dragon Dictation".  It lets you speak to your iPhone, and it converts what you say to text that can be copy & pasted into emails, text messages, etc.

My 10-yr old niece asked me if I had anything "new" on my iPhone, and I thought she'd get a kick out of speaking to the iPhone and seeing her words appear on the screen.

I told her to say whatever she wanted to, so she said "I like chicken strips".

Unfortunately, this is what "Dragon" heard:

You can't make sh*t like this up. ;)

1 comment:

JoshG said...

That's hilarious! I do like how it at least recognizes the profanities and then censors them, as opposed to Google Voice which just ignores them.