Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Gattaca is here

One of my favorite movies is 1997's Gattaca. It's a fictional story set in the not-too-distant future, where virtually all babies are "genetically engineered" to be free of genetic flaws or diseases. Job applications are submitted with blood and urine tests. Although this is done today, it's typically for drug testing purposes. In the movie, it's done to determine health, likely aptitudes, genetic predispositions to mental illness or addiction, etc. The story centers around a protagonist whose parents wanted a "God baby" - a birth left up to nature. The viewer follows this "natural" protagonist through his efforts to fit into this genetically "perfect" society.

Apparently, "not-too-distant" is here. See the following:


Holy crap - Hackintosh FTW

I've been playing with the "Hackintosh" for a few days now, and I'm pretty impressed. It actually seems nearly as fast as my "real" MacBook.

Now to do something about the 16GB SSD... ;)

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Three tech things today

1. Sorry, Linux... We won't be friends after all.
After extensive "playing around" with the new netbook, I've decided that Ubuntu (both 8.04 and 9.04) are not for me. Too many things didn't quite work, and too many things needed command line work (sudo judo) to function. It may be good for some, but not me.

2. Hello Hackintosh.
So once I decided that I didn't want Linux on the netbook, the question remained - what to install?
Rather than putting XP on the netbook, I decided to follow the 20 or so steps clearly documented on the web to install OSX 10.5.7 on the netbook. And yes, I stuck a small Apple sticker on it. I've gotten it working quite well, and faster than I'd ever imagined. I even got bluetooth working properly (took a little extra work), which leads me to...


Now this is pretty damn cool. Basically, on either the "real" mac or the "hackintosh", I have gotten the iPhone 3GS's new "Internet Tethering" to work. This will allow me to "borrow" the phone's 3G connection via bluetooth and use it on either computer. And no, that's not a stock shot - that's my phone's home screen.

UPDATE - Apparently it also works on Windows machines connected via USB.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Just got my new iPhone 3GS!

It came in a day earlier than I expected. I had been tracking it via FedEx, and apparently it was shipped direct from China.

Just started syncing it.

Holy crap I'm excited.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Just got my netbook

I saw Dell advertising a netbook for $250, and bought it.

It just arrived. My intent is to bring it with me to appointments, so that I can use it to test clients' networks. Tyically I'd been lugging around a ThinkPad T60, but figured carrying the 8.9" Dell Vostro A90 would be a lot easier.

It's got 1GB RAM, and a 16GB SSD. I'll probably be upgrading both soon. It also has a built-in webcam and bluetooth.

It'll take some getting used to for a few reasons:
- It's got Ubuntu Linux 8.04 preinstalled, and I've never used ANY Linux distro before.
- It's VERY tiny. I thought I'd only have issues with the tiny keys, but the little screen is going to need adjusting to also...

I just spent about 20 minutes playing with it, before grabbing the MacBook to post this. Switching from the 8.9" screen to the MacBook's 13.3" screen suddenly made the "little" mac feel GIGANTIC. ;)

That being said, I'm really excited about it, and the size/price just can't be beat.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

More about Obama firing IG Gerald Walpin

When asked for the reason for firing Gerald Walpin, the White House rep said that Walpin had appeared "...confused, disoriented, unable to answer questions and exhibited other behavior that led the Board to question his capacity to serve." Essentially, they called him SENILE.

See http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2009/06/white-house-plays-hardball-says-fired-ig-walpin-was-confused-disoriented-engaged-in-inappropriate-co.html

Really? Well, it seems Glenn Beck thought this was pretty unreal as well, so he proved that Mr. Walpin is anything but senile.

See http://hotair.com/archives/2009/06/17/sweet-glenn-beck-gives-gerald-walpin-a-senility-test/

WHOO HOO!!! iPhone 3GS!!!

I wanted to buy the new iPhone 3GS, but initially AT&T wanted me to either pay $700 now, or wait until November to pay $300. Obviously, this cooled my enthusiasm.

A lot of people were bothered by AT&T's upgrade pricing. There were around 2,000 people who joined a complaint group on Twitter, and many news outlets covered the public outcry.

Long story short, AT&T caved.

I was able to order the iPhone 3GS online, and pay only $300. Even better, I won't have to go to the store and wait in any lines. It'll be delivered to my door within a week.

Barbara Boxer is petty and small

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) unleashed her wrath on a Brigadier General for calling her "ma'am" yesterday.

If that video goes down, try this.

She was absolutely out of line. I don't know what caused her to snap on this particular officer, but I'm certain others have called her "ma'am" before.

I'm also certain that the Brigadier General worked a lot harder (and longer) to earn his title.

Barbara Boxer showed herself to be petty and self-absorbed. She should be ashamed.

She's up for re-election in 2010. Hopefully she'll be answering to "ma'am" again soon.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Another bad sign...

The Americorps' Inspector General is supposed to be independent, so that he/she can investigate government waste and misconduct. The most recent Inspector General, Gerald Walpin, was just fired by President Obama because he was investigating a friend of Obama's, Kevin Johnson. See the the following:




Why is this not on the mainstream (non-cable) TV news?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Chastity Bono -- Becoming a Man

Chastity Bono -- Becoming a Man

Yeah, yeah... Empathy, tolerance, yada yada yada...

I just can't wrap my head around this sort of thing.

If I was with a "woman" who told me that she had been born a man, I'd be very upset about what I consider false advertising.

One of the articles on TMZ mentions that Chastity Bono has been in a committed relationship for several years. This relationship is with a LESBIAN woman. So when she changes to LOOK MORE LIKE A MAN (because she's still got female chromosomes) will her partner suddenly be "going straight?"

Or will she be like that "pregnant man" who has a beard and KEPT THE VAGINA AND OVARIES???

Monday, June 8, 2009

Burkah wearing teacher at a Christian school?!?!?!

This may seem a little "out there" now, but in this PC world nothing surprises me. She'll probably not only keep her job, but receive some sort of financial settlement.

Society, here's your handbasket. Enjoy the trip.