Saturday, May 16, 2009

Just watched Star Trek

...and I was astounded. It was nearly perfect -- respectful to canon, but fresh and innovative in just the right ways to bring in a new generation of fans.

-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"Outrage" over "Police Brutality"

Some idiots decided to run from police and engage in a high-speed car chase. After one of the guys got out and ran, then laid down because he realized it was hopeless, the police kicked him. I say BIG DEAL. Wanna know why? First, take a look at this scumbag:

Yes - the name of his gang is TATTOOED ON HIS UPPER LIP. One of his buddies in the car has the gang's initials TATTOOED ON HIS CHIN - in thick block letters.

Why we let these sons-of-bitches drain our police resources is beyond me.

Of course, what makes this worse is that he'll probably sue and receive millions of taxpayer dollars.

More pictures and the full story here: