Friday, June 22, 2007

Strange and sad news...

I got a phone call from a buddy, who told me he had news about a guy we both used to work with. I'll call him "Bill." Way back when, I spent quite a bit time with Bill outside of work, and considered him a friend. I hadn't heard from him in a long time, but attributed that to just being busy.

Apparently, Bill's life went off the rails. Big time.

It seems that at some point he sold the Financial Planning practice he inherited from his father. This was a VERY mature practice with at least 50 million in Assets Under Management, and easily generated at least $300,000 in annual revenues. Apparently, he ran it into the ground, and most of the clients left. By the time he sold it (for $200,000) there was basically only a handful of remaining accounts.

In September of 2004, he was arrested for misdemeanor DUI, and felony drug posession. He pled guilty to the misdemeanor, and got the felony dismissed. He paid a fine, and got 3 yrs probation. Essentially a slap on the wrist.

On New Year's Eve 2006/2007, he was arrested for Kidnapping, Rape, Assault and Robbery. Yes - all FOUR charges in one fell swoop. He's currently in prison in lieu of 2.2 MILLION DOLLARS bail. He's done. His life is over.

In retrospect, he was a pretty messy drunk. Acting really stupid, etc. I just never would have imagined he got that bad.

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