Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Blocked Caller ID

I know when Caller ID first came out, many people freaked out and voiced privacy concerns. But the truth is, if you're the caller, why would you want to mask your number unless you're up to no good?

I don't know why people still have their number blocked. It's stupid. Some people aren't even aware that their number is blocked.

UNBLOCK YOUR NUMBER PERMANENTLY. The people you're calling will appreciate it.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

So how many jobs did you say we’d save???

Obama's Stimulus Swindle

Friday, November 13, 2009

Suspect sought in acid attack on South L.A. woman -- latimes.com

Suspect sought in acid attack on South L.A. woman -- latimes.com

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Angelina Jolie – 5 Magazine Covers??

I saw this at the market today:


5 different magazines have her on the cover at the same time?  Does she really boost sales that much?

No comment necessary...


9/11 Trials to be held in NY

The 5 surviving known 9/11 conspirators, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, will be tried in CIVILIAN CRIMINAL court. This means that since some of them were "tortured" some evidence will likely be inadmissible in court.

This is a mistake for several reasons. These people are not U.S. Citizens, and therefore have no right to the protections offered by our Constitution. They are enemy combatants, and as such should be tried in MILITARY court. The methods used to interrogate them were necessary. They participated in the worst attack on American soil in history. Any information that was obtained from them should have been obtained by any means necessary.

This trial will go on for YEARS, and cost untold millions of dollars to taxpayers.  More importantly, the civilian criminal trial system is designed to protect the accused from unjust prosecution.  The defense lawyers will use every tool available to game the system.  Though it may sound far-fetched, it’s even possible that some or all of them will walk free.

Make no mistake, although A.G. Holder made the announcement, this was President Obama's decision. Those of you who voted for this clown made a big mistake. This is yet one more piece of evidence to support my assertion.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Unemployment hits 10.2%

Just saw this on the news, and didn’t believe it.  I went to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics website, and pulled up this:

unemployment 99-09

Here’s a brilliant illustration of this (from June 2009):