Thursday, July 31, 2008

iTunes 7.7.1 improves backup

I just installed iTunes 7.7.1. It seems to speed up the backup.

I don't know if it improves anything else...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Got an iPhone, but...

I just got an iPhone 3G!

Overall, I'm loving it!

But, I want to use it for my calendar and to replace my Pocket PC.

It's supposed to synchronize with Outlook 2003 out of the box.

Initially, it seemed to do just that. However, apparently there's at least a few hitches. It looks like there's a problem with recurring appointments (like birthdays).

I've already had to clear it out and restore it from scratch. I'll be watching very closely over the next few days.

Let's just say I'm not gonna be selling my Pocket PC just yet.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

iPhone 3G lines...

I want to get an iPhone 3G, but I don't want to wait on line.

It's been on sale for about 3 weeks, and there's still CRAZY lines at every Apple Store in the area.
