Sunday, November 23, 2008

XBOX Live "Avatars"

Microsoft recently rolled out the "New XBOX Experience (NXE)" which includes personal "avatars" a-la "Mii's" on Nintendo's Wii. Obviously, since they're "cartoony", they'll never look exactly like you, but the options are pretty limited. I tried to make my avatar using the closest options available. This looks nothing like me. (And I'd never wear a watch halfway up my forearm...)

Outlook 2003 was showing TWO instances of my PST...

I use Outlook 2003 very extensively, and was unaware that it suddenly started showing two instances of my "Personal Folders" file.

The two data sources didn't show in the "Mail" control panel item, so I couldn't remove the second one. Within Outlook, I couldn't close the second one.

Normally this wouldn't cause a problem, and it didn't - EXCEPT for the auto-backup add-in. It saw two identical PST's, and chose to ignore BOTH of them.

Here's what I did to fix it.

I created a new profile, and redirected that profile to use the original PST file.

I then re-entered all 11 email accounts, and everything's okay now.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Nuttin' But Stringz

I ordered a CD from Nuttin' But Stringz via their website ( - well over 6 weeks ago.

No email confirming the order. And still NO CD.

It's only $15, but it's the principle that's important.

They're talented guys, but apparently I'm not the only one they DEFRAUDED:

UPDATE: I FINALLY RECEIVED THE CD ABOUT TWO DAYS AFTER THIS POST. The disc itself was very professional looking, but the outer packaging felt cheap - no jewel case, just a sleeve.

I gave the disc away, since I already had it via bittorrent. It's now on my iPod and my iPhone - and it's good, but their crappy follow-up may hinder their growth. It's a shame, because they're very talented.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Went to the Apple Store today to get the iPhone fixed. They didn't even send it in.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

iPhone home button not working

My iPhone 3G's home button stopped working today.

Grrr... I was so pissed off, I actually bought a NEW ONE (this one just 8GB) to use while it's getting repaired. Impulsive, maybe - but I can't be without it. $399 before tax, plus a 2-year contract extension.

I set an appointment to bring it into the Apple Store tomorrow. Hopefully they can fix it quick.

On the bright side, I now have a spare.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ford Sync from Microsoft

Microsoft Sync just rocks.

My iPod works GREAT with it.

My iPhone works GREAT with it.

Couldn't be happier!

Election Day! John McCain WINS in historic upset!

John McCain wins in historic upset!

A guy can dream, right?